发布时间:2025-01-31 10:02:01 浏览::537
Japans space agency (JAXA) has made history by successfully landing two robotic explorers on the surface of an asteroid.近日,日本航天局(JAXA)的机器人探测器在一座小行星表面顺利登岸,建构了历史。The two small rovers, which were despatched from the Hayabusa-2 spacecraft last Friday, will move around the 1km-wide space rock known as Ryugu.上周五从隼鸟二号航天器升空的两个小型“探测车”,将在这个长为1公里、被称作“龙宫”的小行星上工作。The asteroids low gravity means they can hop across it, capturing temperatures and images of the surface.该小行星上的较低重力意味著探测器可以在上面冲刺,捕猎表面的温度和图像。JAXA proudly tweeted pictures from the rovers, which reached Earth via the spaceship Hayabusa-2.日本航天局自豪地公布了探测车的照片,这些照片是通过隼鸟2号飞船传回地球的。
Hayabusa-2 reached the asteroid Ryugu in June this year after a three-and-a-half-year journey.经过三年半的旅程,隼鸟二号在今年六月抵达了小行星“龙宫”。While the European Space Agency had previously managed to land on an icy comet, this is the first spacecraft to place robot rovers on the surface of an asteroid.虽然欧洲航天局以前设法在冰冷的彗星上迫降,但这是第一个将机器人探测器顺利迫降在小行星表面的航天器。Asteroids are essentially leftover building materials from the formation of the Solar System 4.6 billion years ago. Ryugu is a particularly primitive variety, and studying it could shed light on the origin and evolution of our own planet.小行星基本上是由46亿年前太阳系构成时的剩下物质材料包含。